brand case study
Trademark Registration
Brand Look & Feel
Marketing Strategy
Fitout Branding
Soon after implementing Dr Phil Huang's personal brand, we moved onto the creation of his new sports medicine venture. In coining the name ‘Optisports’ we sought to position the practice as a place where athletes of all ability can seek to improve their performance. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a Sydney Swan, the newly renovated rooms at Barangaroo will soon house a range of expert physicians – from sports psychologists and dieticians, through to physiotherapists and surgeons.
We had developed Phil’s personal brand knowing that it would one day evolve into a practice brand, though, that happened much sooner than we had anticipated. Still, the original concept has translated to a sports medicine brand easily, yet maintains still different enough to have its own edge, each brand can reinforce (not cannibalise) the other.
With the addition of a dynamic font, vibrant orange and high definition photography, the look and feel of marketing collateral is more akin to the Nike’s of the world, with the intent of appealing more directly to the aspirations of our audience, and the ability for the brand to feel at home in a stadium as much as a trade magazine.
In approaching the fitout, we stripped the look and feel back, erring on the side of classic tones and matte surfaces. We purposefully left orange off the furnishing scheme, allowing brand collateral to jump out rather than be consumed by its surrounds. Taking a mature approach to the fitout also made for a happy landlord.